Beefsteak and Heart Tomatoes

Beefsteak tomatoes are the classic large slicing tomatoes. Many have long and fascinating histories. They come in a variety of colors and are perfect for a summer tomato sandwich. I also have included larger globe-shaped tomatoes in this category.
Many of the heart-shaped varieties originated in Eastern Europe. They are very dense and nearly seedless. The foliage of true heart-shaped tomatoes is sparse which allows more light to the fruit.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Lady Lucy

Lady Lucy

Gorgeous pink tomato with a thin, transparent skin sets on a big, healthy plant. The fruit is soft and needs to be used soon after picking, but that...




An 80 day giant pink oxheart, Kosovo was collected by a UN worker during the troubles in the Kosovo region, and found it's way to New Zealand. It...


King of Siberia (Korol Sibiri)

King of Siberia (Korol Sibiri)

My friend Dmitri in Russia sent me this seed. It is an old Russian commercial variety with a very early set of tomatoes that seem almost too large...


King Kong

King Kong

Just a monster of a red tomato, King Kong is dense and solid with great flavor. The plants are surprisingly slender and will need extra support. This...


Kellogg's Breakfast (potato-leaved) KBX

Kellogg's Breakfast (potato-leaved) KBX

Real flavor and great production in most years. This is the PL version that showed up a while back and which a lot of people think is more resistant...


Joe's Portuguese

Joe's Portuguese

Joe's Portuguese is a big pink tomato with prominent ribs which can reach a pound or more in weight. The flesh is meaty with few seeds and good...

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Indian Stripe

Indian Stripe

Believed to be a sister of Cherokee Purple, Indian Stripe was found in Arkansas where some some Cherokee Nation still reside. The 5 foot plants set...

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Grub's Mystery Green*

Grub's Mystery Green*

Discovered in a planting of a black tomato (Paul Robeson) in Australia, this is the finest green when ripe beefsteak you can grow. It is early,...


Grightmire's Pride

Grightmire's Pride

Another big (12 oz.) heart-shaped tomato and a reliable producer, Grightmire's makes some of the best tomato sandwiches you can imagine. Apparently,...


Gregori Altai

Gregori Altai

Gregori Altai is a big solid tomato renowned for production in cold conditions. The plants are quite compact with thick stems and set the fruit close...

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