Red Tomatoes

Red tomatoes generally are more intense in flavor and the best of these bring back memories of the tomatoes I ate as a child from my grandfather's garden. Now, they come in every shape and size - from tiny cherries to giant heart and beefsteak varieties.

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I understand this is a Russian variety. I grew it out for the first time this season (2020). The compact semi-determinate vines set loads of...


Bowling Pin

Bowling Pin

Uniquely-shaped sauce tomato is later, but then produces large clusters of fruit with excellent flavour. They are solid and nearly seedless. Packets...


Brilliant Opedisano

Brilliant Opedisano

Meaty, deep red tomatoes - one of the largest and most productive varieties grown. This season many were a pound and a half while remaining quite...


Bulgarian Old Sort

Bulgarian Old Sort

This rare variety from Bulgaria puts on big red beefsteak-type fruit weighing between 8oz and a pound, They are often ribbed or lobed and solid with...

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Cal Red and Green

Cal Red and Green

Cal Red and Green is a bicolor as you may have guessed. The markings are distinctive with the iridescent green stripes making quite a contrast with...




Bred specifically for hot and humid areas of the country, Calypso gave me a concentrated set of 8 ounce blocky, perfectly flawless red/orange...

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Candy of the Forbidden City

Candy of the Forbidden City

A firm and very sweet grape tomato as amazing as it's name suggests. Plants reach over six foot and bear enormous numbers of fruit right up to frost....

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Casady's Folly

Casady's Folly

Casady's Folly is a wildly patterned paste tomato about 4 inches long with super dense deep rose flesh. It needs even watering, because, like many...


Cesu Agrais

Cesu Agrais

Cesu Agrais is another tomato I got from Tatiana's (the best source of all things related to tomatoes) and it really gave me a jump on this last...




Chapman is a very large beefsteak tomato - among the largest I have ever grown, averaging a pound or more. In most years you will be absolutely...
